Saturday, November 17, 2018

Friday November 16, 2018

Friday November 16, 2018

Blog time 0945 at Panera

Last night before turning in I shoveled the courtyard walk.  We had about 1.5 inches of heavy snow.  This morning we all got up with the 0615 alarm.  The temperature was 32 but no new snow.  Nancy is having her book club at noon today so I shoveled the drive.  Don’t want any book club members slipping and falling.

Snow shoveling for Book Club:  Past and Present,  when I turned 10 in 1948 I was give two new responsibilities.  They were  cleaning and filling our coal burning furnace and shoveling our walks.  My Grandmother belonged to a Book Club,  during winter months when BC was held at our place she made sure I had the walk shoveled down to bare pavement.  Grandmother Hughes was 80 in 1948.

This morning Nancy headed to MVP for an exercise class.  After breakfast I took out the winter bike and headed to the Y via the short 3 mile route.  The steel studded tires worked great in the snow.  I practiced stopping and the new front disc brake is a great improvement.   It is harder pedaling through snow so I used lower gears.  My average speed on dry pavement is 7.1 mph.  Today it was 5.4 mph.  The average heart rate was slightly higher, 102 vs 99, in snow compared to dry.  All the useless data from my Apple Watch.

I arrived at the Y but decided I had time constrains so headed directly to Panera.  Will do the Y routine at home later today.

Kim is coming early today and will concentrate on cleaning the upstairs areas where the Book Club will meet.   Nancy has already prepared sloppy joes and an apple crisp for members.

I left Panera early.   Because of Ms P’s health problems I will take her for a drive during Book Club.  

When I got home Nancy was just waiting for the members to arrive.  Kim had cleaned the upstairs so everything looked good.

I grabbed Ms P and we headed to Holland.  I wanted to walk through one of my favorite outdoor stores, The Outpost.  I bought myself a Merino Wool Balaclava.  I will use the Balaclava under my bike helmet during cold weather.  

I walked around the downtown area.  I had forgotten what a nice downtown Holland has, many small shops and very pedestrian friendly.  The downtown was busy and I noted no boarded up stores.  Great to see.

We got home at 1400 and BC had just ended.  Nancy said it was a success.  

For dinner I had sloppy joes with great coleslaw.  For dessert I had Nancy’s Apple Crisp.  

Tonight we watched two episodes of the new Julia Roberts show on Prime, Homecoming.  We both agreed that we need to see more episodes to determine if we like it.  We were confused by the timeline.

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