Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Tuesday November 27, 2018

Tuesday November 27, 2018

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Up at 0615,  the temp was high 20s but no overnight snow.  Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  Glad to see her back in the water.  Later this morning she has an appointment with her foot doctor.

It looked like Tahoe Drive had not been plowed so I assumed that the walk also had not been plowed.  I did the calisthenics at home.  Also rowed for ten minutes.  I fired up the downstairs shower and the shower head was leaking.  I took a wrench to the head and just made it worse.  Showered upstairs.

Because the walks had not been plowed I was forced to walk in the road.  Not the safest method of travel.

I had an oatmeal breakfast at Panera.  Finished Monday’s blog and read my emails before starting reading the morning papers.

This afternoon I will have to go to Ace Hardware and get some tape to stop the leaking shower head.  With snow on the ground I will put out some corn cobs for the deer.

While at Panera the snow removal folks were busy.  Not only were the roads plowed but the sidewalks also.  The walk home was easy.

Since I haven’t been able to ride the bike my morning routine is an hour shorter.  I got home at 1130.  Put on my winter boots and put out corn for the deer.  I had to scrape away nearly 4 inches snow.  Next I removed the downstairs shower head.  Later I will take it to Ace and ask for advice on correcting the leak.  All these chores before lunch.

Nancy’s foot doctor said that the healing is progressing well.  She has another appointment in six months.

At 1430 I grabbed Ms P and headed to the vet.  Today Ms P is getting her second and last pneumonia shot.  We were in and out of the Vet’s office in ten minutes.

I stopped at Ace Hardware and the nice folks looked over the shower head and said the O ring was shot.  I bought a new O ring and some plumber’s tape.  Total cost $2.00.  

Stopped at Chow Hound and bought a salt block.  I put the salt block in the back yard near where I put the corn.  The deer should be happy.

I took a nap followed by a short walk.  This afternoon Nancy fixed turkey rice soup in her insta pot  It was very good.

We watched the news. No NCIS tonight, Rudolph instead.  We switched to Acorn and watched an episode of Vera.

It was snowing at 2200 with a temperature of 25.  The cold will continue through tomorrow.

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