Friday, November 9, 2018

Thursday November 8, 2018

Thursday November 8, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Up with 0615 alarm and headed out with Ms P.  It was a cool, 36, but no rain or wind.

Nancy headed to MVP for a class.  After breakfast I headed out to the Y.  Took my 7 mile route.  This morning I did not see any critters.  Where are they?  Maybe they are in hiding.  

One week to the start of the firearm deer season.  Nowadays you say firearm because we also have an archery, crossbow and muzzle loader deer season.  In my youth there was only the firearms season.  It was a big deal in Michigan.  Construction projects shut down and stores and businesses worked with reduced staff.  At AHS boys got two days off for deer hunting.  Of course no break for girls.

This and that;

With recent winds most trees have lost their leaves.

What message is the stock market sending?  It seems to have a mind of its own.  More important does any one care?

What is happening with BRexit?  It has dropped off the front page.

Most stores have their Christmas displays up.  I think it is a bit early.

Why does POTUS keep shooting himself in the foot?

As soon as I got home I showered and ate a quick lunch.  We made a quick trip to Costco for Cheerios, sandwich thins, eye drops and chicken noodle soup.  Costco today was selling scotch and some whiskey in 1.75 liter bottles.  Good grief it would takes us two years to finish.

I did notice that folks were buying these large bottles.  In fact almost every customer was purchasing several bottle of alcohol or wine.  Must be the time of year.

Lately I have been taking a short afternoon nap in my recliner.  I sleep well in the recliner.  I think because the recliner keeps my head elevated all my breathing passages are open resulting in the sound sleep.  

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Brann’s.  For liquid refreshment Nancy had a margarita and I had some red wine.  It was happy hour so all drinks were 1/2 price.  

Nancy ordered a chicken cranberry sandwich and I had a bowl of lobster bisque.  Of course I helped Nancy finish her sandwich and fries.  We even had some chicken left over for Ms P.

We got home in time to watch the 1830 news.  The show was dominated by the shooting in Thousand Oaks.

At 2000 we switched to Netflix and watched an episode of Bodyguard.  I like this show.  It appears the UK has CCTV cameras on every corner.  Talk about invasion of privacy.  Nancy headed to bed.  

I stayed up and finished reading GRP and WSJ. Had the football game on in the background. I think Thursday football is overkill.

It was snowing at 2200.  The weather folks say we should wake up with snow on the ground.

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