Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Tuesday November 6, 2018

Tuesday November 6, 2018

Blog time 1105 at Panera

This morning Nancy and Ms P were up before the 0615 alarm.  I quickly got dressed, turned off the alarm and headed out.  It was a very mild 50 with drizzle.

For the first time in several weeks Nancy is going to MVP.  She will do some stretches and light exercises.  Every day in every way she gets better and better.

Today I wore my rain gear.  The only problem was I got overheated on the 7 mile to the Y.  

Today, finally, is Election Day.  I passed two polling places on my ride to the Y.  They both had a lot of traffic.

The turnout for today’s election is suppose to be heavy.  However, at the Y and Panera I did not see any “I Voted” stickers.  

This and that;

Remember the Hole in the Ozone layer.  The depletion of the Ozone layer was big news several decades ago.  Increases in Skin cancers and other ailments were attributed to this loss.  The cause was CFCs being released.  CFCs were banned and now the ozone layer has almost recovered.  Cooler heads prevailed over the hysterical ranting of the greenies.

The first election I had an interest in was the 1948 Presidential election.  My family was for GOP nominee Tom Dewey.  Dewey was from Owosso, Mi and a UM grad.  I had a score sheet that I cut out of our newspaper.  As the returns came in I would fill in the votes.  Of course we got all our info from radio station WATZ Alpena.  Truman won Dewey lost.

Quick lunch and then some errands.  First stop was the Cascade Library.  I picked up a book for Nancy and then renewed by Library card.  Next stop was Ada Bike.  I am having snow tires put on the Bianchi.  They are also replacing my front caliper brake with a disc brake.  Disc brakes have superior stopping power.  Us old guys can’t be too safe, especially in winter.

I did some office work.  Was going to take a walk but it was raining.  In fact it rained all day.  What better way to end a gloomy afternoon but with a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a chicken breast with dressing and Lima beans.  I love dressing.  After dinner I fixed Nancy her cheese/pill treat.

We were going to watch NCIS tonight but it was preempted by election coverage.  We watched an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn.  Before we dozed off we knew the Senate was still GOP and the house was Democratic.   

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