Thursday, November 1, 2018

Wednesday October 31, 2018

Wednesday October 31, 2018

Yes folks another Halloween Day.  I am not a big fan of Halloween.  As a youth I did go trick or treating but did not soap windows or do other mischief.  I really got turned off Halloween during our last years on Mackinaw.  We would have over 200 folks come to our house.  Most of the kids were bused in.  Giving candy to a young man with facial hair and no costume violated the spirt of the day.  I always hoped for rain.

We had thunder storms roll through last night.  It rained hard.  The rain stopped about 0600.  The temperature was 50 when I first went out.

Nancy’s foot bothered her last night.  Yes, the foot she had surgery on.

We noticed three large deer in our back yard this morning.  First deer sighting in several weeks.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did calisthenics at 50% before heading to breakfast at Panera.

After Panera I took my hilly bike route home, but today I rode in opposite direction.  Taking the hills in the opposite direction is much easier.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  It being Wednesday I did the trash, recyclables plus two loads of laundry.  I found time for a short nap.

As soon as Nancy got home we had our apple snack.  Early dinner and then at 1800 we left for Trinity Lutheran.  Tonight we are attending a class on the Historical Jesus.  It was very interesting.

We left the house dark so to discourage trick or treaters.  I really don’t think anyone stop.  We watched an episode of Scott & Bailey before turning in.  Temps will only get to low 40s tonight.

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