Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tuesday October 30, 2018

Tuesday October 30, 2018

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Sleepless nights continue, up at 0400 and did my chin ups for the day before going back to bed.  For the second straight day Ms P woke me at 0630.  We headed outside so she could do her bidness.  I am glad she woke me.  Better outside than in.

Sunrise today is at 0815.  I can’t wait until DST ends this weekend.  I left home today at 0800 and had all my lights blazing.  I prefer daylight for my ride.

Temperature when I started was 38 but no wind so the ride was pleasant.  Saw no critters today.  They must be in hiding?

Calisthenics and a walk at the Y.  Yesterday I stopped doing the stretches that the PT tech had me do.  I think the stretches make my hip pain worse.  Time will tell.

This and that

In the 50s folks raked their leaves into gutter and either burned them or waited for the city to pick them up.  Alpena had a number of horse chestnut trees.  We would throw the nuts into the fire to listen to the nuts explode.  Great fun!  Leaf burning was banned in the 70s.  What do you do with the chestnuts now?

POTUS is wrong; all folks born in the USA should be given citizenship, it is written in the constitution.  No way he can rescind this rule by Executive Order.

Ain’t technology great, gave the lab a sample yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon I read the results on my online portal.  Amazing!

The stock market goes down and then up, etc.  Is anyone paying attention?

Nancy  visited the foot doctor and he said she must wear the boot for another two weeks.  I guess the toe is healing slower than expected.

Quick lunch and then I walked to Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.  Spent some time in office checking financials.  

Called our Wells Fargo Advisor and asked some questions about education plans for Grandkids and other family funding issues.  Bottom line no action at this time.

Nancy thinks our dryer vent is plugged.  I called several contractors if they could solve our problem.  So far no luck.

Late in the afternoon I sliced up an apple for a snack.  Later I fixed us a cider/whiskey drink.   

Nancy used her Instant Pot to make pea soup.  This was her first effort using the Instant Pot for soup.  I thought it was ok but Nancy says she will have to fine tune her procedure.

After dispersing our cheese snacks I took a short walk.  It was pitch black and I got mad at myself for not taking a flashlight.

Watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.  It was raining when I took Ms P out at 2200.  


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