Thursday, October 18, 2018

Wednesday October 17, 2018

Wednesday October 17, 2018

Blog time 1050 Thursday at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0615.  This morning Nancy is having foot surgery.  I did some reduced calisthenics before breakfast. At 0730 we head to the Walker Surgical Center.  Nancy’s was told to arrive at 0830.  Normally a 20 minute drive but we left earlier in anticipation of rush hour traffic.  Surprise! Traffic was light so we arrive 30 minutes early.

Nancy checks in and I settle down with my iPad and started ready the morning papers.  0830 the nurse takes Nancy to get her prepped.  Twenty minutes later I am escorted into the surgery waiting room.  We wait another 30 minutes before Nancy is rolled into surgery.

The surgery took 30 minutes.  Nancy was rolled into the recovery room given a coke before I was allowed in.  She looked great but was still mildly sedated.  We were given post operation instructions.  No wine or driving for 24 hours.  She must limit her time standing. The foot must be elevated when sitting or reclined.  Nancy is wearing an open toed sandal.  Next Monday the Doctor will exam the foot and hopefully will give her a clean bill of health with few restrictions.

At home Nancy spent the afternoon sleeping on the living room couch, with her foot elevated of course.  We did take an Apple break about 1500.

After lunch I started my Wednesday chores, laundry and trash.  I did make a quick trip to Ada Bike to pick up my bike.  Also stopped at D&W to buy a Mega Million and Powerball lottery ticket.  Who doesn’t want to be a millionaire.

Light dinner tonight and was glad Nancy’ appetite was normal.  She even had her evening cheese snack.

We had recorded this week’s NCIS and Bull.  We spent the evening watching these shows.  It was clear and cold at 2200.  Frost expected this evening.  

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