Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Monday October 22, 2018

Monday October 22, 2018

Blog time 1055 at Panera

I was out of bed at 0630 this morning.  It was 33 degrees when first went out.  Sunrise is at 0805 today.

Today Nancy is having lunch with Meijer’s coworkers.  Later she has her first post operation visit with the foot doctor.

Today I got out my winter mitts for the bike ride.  It was only 33 when I left home but no wind so I was comfortable on the 7 mile ride to the Y.

News from construction world

Giant Swedish engineer/contractor is pulling out of the US Construction market.  Most foreign construction firms have trouble in the US market.  They don’t understand the rules and get eaten alive.

The Japanese maker of earthquake shock absorbers admits falsifying test data.  This is serious in earthquake prone Japan.

It was 20 degrees warmer than earlier this morning when I left Panera.  I am now over dressed.

Shower, lunch and then I ran some errands.  First stop was Gazelle Sports.  I am looking for a warm high visibility jacket and warm rubber boots.  I think the boots are called Duck Boots.  No luck.  

Next I stopped at Costco.  If you time it right sometimes you can get good bargains at Costco.  Several years ago I bought a pair of Duck Boots for a great price.  Today they had no Duck Boots.  Bummer.

This afternoon I spent several hours checking up on our finances.  With computers this task is easy.  However, I am always worried about computer hackers.  Every day I read horror stories about folks losing their savings.  Will I see in my lifetime the end to computer theft?  I doubt it.

Nancy got a good report from her foot doctor.  The foot is healing well.  She still cannot exercise for several weeks.

This and that;

Recently I posted about high school football season in the 50s ending the second week in November.  Part of the reason was not to interfere with Deer Season which started Nov 15.

The line of immigrants heading to the USA is unsettling.  Is this really spontaneous?  I don’t know the best way to solve this problem.

Some stores have Christmas items for sale.  Much, much too early.

The King of Saudi Arabia probably should fire his son.  The killing of the news reporter was not only wrong but stupid.  POTUS has to strongly condemn the killing.

I am not a big fan of Turkey’s Erdogan.  I think he is enjoying embarrassing Saudi Arabia.  Erdogan is not a fan of free speech.

We had a light dinner.  After my normal post dinner activities, we settled down and watched an episode of DCI Banks.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched The Tudors.  Talk about intrigue, back biting and downright meanness the Brits wrote the book.  No wonder our ancestors headed to North America.

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