Monday, October 29, 2018

Sunday October 28, 2018

Weekend Update for WE ending October 28, 2018

Blog started 1230 Saturday sitting in living room,

I really slept in today.  Nancy woke me some time after 0700 and asked how to turn house alarm off.  I complied.

40 degrees and light rain this morning.  We drove to Panera.  I had my oatmeal breakfast and Nancy only had a cup of coffee.

After Panera we stopped at home to pick up Ms P.  This morning we are running errands.  Our first stop was Duluth Trading in Grandville.  Bought a pair of extra long briefs.  They are great on cold days.  Next stop Cabela’s to look for Pea Coat.  No luck.

Nancy has been looking for a chair table for the living room.  We stopped at Pier 1  near Cabella.  No luck so we headed north to Alpine Ave to a bigger Pier 1.  We found a suitable table.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a seven mile bike ride.  Today I rode around a subdivision called Cascade Lakes.  I pass it every day and it looked upscale.  It was.  Big beautiful homes on large lots.  

Watched some football and spent some time cleaning my desk.  For dinner Nancy fixed stuff chicken breasts with a potato and peas.  Good meal for a dreary fall evening.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We spent some time catching up.  We watched an episode of Endeavour before heading to bed.

Sunday October 28, 2018

Up with alarm at 0615.  Had to hustle to get my walk around the block in before the rain.  I just made it.  

We left home at 0845 in a pouring rain for Trinity Lutheran.  Today after six months of renovation we had the Rejoice Service in the renovated Celebration Hall.  Many nice improvements and they had a huge crowd for the opening.  Coffee and donuts were also served.

Today was Reformation Sunday so we all wore red.  Great Homily today.

From the times have really changed files.  Today at the back of Celebration Hall flu shots were offered.  Trinity is truly a full service church.

It was still raining when we got to Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.79 per gallon.  After unloading the car, I did some calisthenics and stretches.  

Just before lunch we had a heavy hail storm.  The sidewalk was white.

Read several sections of the GRP before my nap.  After the nap we bagged up all our deck’s potted plants.  Tomorrow the Township will pick up yard waste.  We ran out of yard waste bags so I made a quick trip to Ace.  I finished my outdoor activities with a 1.5 mile walk.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine with waffles.   Dishes and then fixed Nancy her cheese snack.  This evening watched 60 Minutes, finished reading the GRP before switching to Netflix.  We watched an episode of the Bodyguard.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up with the activities of Missy and Akerke.

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