Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Tuesday October 23, 2018

Tuesday October 23, 2018

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Perfect full moon last night, I think it is called a Hunter’s Moon.  Clear and cold this morning. Temperature was 41.

After breakfast I headed out into bright sun.  I forgot my sunglasses so riding east was difficult.  Recent heavy winds have removed leaves from the hardwoods.  The loss of leaves makes visibility much better in heavily wooded areas.  Much easier to spot deer, turkeys and other critters.  The down side is I take my eyes off the bike path.

I read the papers today and found nothing that I want to comment on.  Actually I have strong opinions on most current events but think I am losing my objectivity.  Time to cool off.  Maybe resume comments after elections.

After lunch today Nancy and I headed to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  I needed some cold weather gear.  I bought lined khakis at J. Crew and rubber duck boots at Merrill.  Almost bought a wool pea coat at Brooks Brothers but they did not have my size.  Spent most of this month’s SS check.  Actually, nobody gets a check anymore it is all direct deposit.  Electronic banking is great.  I seldom ever use cash.

After our trip to the mall, I fixed our apple snack.  Later fixed a predinner ginger cider and whiskey drink.

Today Nancy made her homemade chili.  We had it for dinner and it was great.

Prepared cheese snacks and took a walk before settling down.  Read GRP, digital version, and watched NCIS and Bull.  Temperature tonight will plunge to 20s.

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