Saturday, October 6, 2018

Friday October 5, 2018

Friday October 5, 2018

Blog time 1220 at Panera

It was cold this morning.  Temperature was in low 40s.  After breakfast I bundled up and headed to the Y.  Despite the cold I was glad I encountered no rain.  Rain is suppose to start this afternoon.

It always takes me a little longer to do my weekday routine on Fridays.  I think I might be running out of gas.

The weatherman was wrong.  It was pouring rain when I left they Y.  I got so wet that I bypassed Panera and headed straight home.  At home I changed clothes and drove back to Panera.

Kim, cleaning lady, and Nancy agreed that Ms P was very bloated.  Nancy called the Vet and we have a 1440 appointment.

This and that:

Kavanaugh passes first hurdle.  Maybe this nightmare will end soon.

It was announced today that the unemployment rate is the lowest since 1969.

The recent rains have brought out more bright colors on the maple trees.  The bike trail is loaded with fallen acorns and walnuts.

99% of our recent phone calls are political.  The same for our mail.  Four more weeks until the Silly Season ends.

Quick lunch and at 1400 Nancy and I took Ms P to the Vet.  Ms P weighted two pounds more than in August.  The Vet took a sample of Ms P’s stomach liquid.  It was clear.   The conclusion, Ms P is retaining water because of congestive heart failure.  Three different pills were prescribed.  We hope it makes her more comfortable.

I took a short nap before dinner.  Tonight I had Shepard’s Pie from Trader Joe’s.  It was very good.
After my evening chores I took a short walk.  Fixed cheese snack for Nancy and then we watched an episode of Endeavour before turning in.

More rain tonight.  The temperature will be a mild 60 come morning.  

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