Monday, October 22, 2018

Sunday October 21, 2018

Sunday October 21, 2018

Weekend Update;

Blog time 1715 Sunday sitting in office;

Saturday October 20, 2018

Because of her foot surgery Nancy cannot walk to Panera.  Instead I biked to Panera.  I had my normal oatmeal breakfast.  After breakfast I filled Nancy’s Travel cup up with hazelnut coffee and pedaled home.  

Nancy had already started the laundry.  I dropped her coffee off and continued on my bike ride.  Today I rode 12 miles.  Another great fall day.  Blue skies and bright sun.  It was hard to believe that the weather folks said a snow/rain mix was headed our way.  

Boy the weather folks were right.  No sooner than I got home it started to hail.  Our back deck was covered with hail.  We also had thunderstorms.  Ms P went bonkers.

After lunch I settled down to watch the UM/MSU ball game.  Surprise! the game was delayed for over an hour because of lightning.  The game was played in East Lansing.  Spectators had to leave the stadium.  I knew several folks who attended the game.  The weather delay sure put a damper on what should have been a great outing.

Of course after the game resumed UM showed it mastery over MSU.  About time.  MSU has dominated the series in recent years.

Growing up the annual MSU/UM game was a big deal in the Scott household.  My mother was an avid UM alum and fan.  My dad went to MSU.  All week leading up to the game my parents would make all sorts of wagers on the game.  Dad would do dishes for a week, etc.  It was all in good fun.  However, my dad was a much better loser than mother.  My mother thought the only true university in Michigan was UM.

We left home at 1730 and headed to Bonefish Grill for dinner.  We had dinner with the Horling’s, Karen and Hal.  We all had the scallops and shrimp.  Great food.  We spent several hour in conversation.  A very pleasant evening.

At home we FaceTimed with Debbie.  After our talk with Debbie, Nancy headed to bed and I watched some of the OSU/Purdue game.

Sunday October 21, 2018

The alarm goes off at 0615.  Dressed and headed out on a walk around the block.  Nancy foot prevented her from going.

Breakfast and then I headed to Panera to get us our morning coffee.  Read several sections of the GRP before heading out at 0845 for Trinity Lutheran. Good crowd at church. Today the Homily was given my a ELCU seminary student.  He talked about the church’s missionary efforts and philosophy regarding these efforts.  It was interesting.  Great to see that the church has lost it strict top down management.  Listening and being a partner is a great role.

We stopped at Meijer’s on our way home.  Gas was $2.79 per gallon.

I performed some light calisthenics and stretches before lunch.  Lunch was followed by a nap.

My bike rides on Sunday’s usually are just a quiet ride on the neighborhood streets.  Today at end of a short street two big deer were standing in the middle of the street.  They took off before I could get my camera out.

Today before Nancy and I had a Fall cocktail.  The drink consisted of ginger cider with a shot of ginger flavored whiskey.  We both enjoyed it.

For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a slice of spinach pie.  After dinner, fixed Nancy her cheese snack before a short walk.  Finished the GRP, watched 60 Minutes and an episode of Scott & Bailey before turning in.  Temps will drop to low 30s tonight.

This day, October 21, in 1938.  From Ossineke my Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote;

It was a Friday he and GGM Sanborn drove to Alpena.  GGF got his hair cut and then went to Bank to pay $10 on his note.  Wow $10 on a bank loan.  Of course in 1938 we were in the Great Depression.

They took Aunt Laura some squash from the garden.  They had dinner in Alpena and did not get home until 2000.  It rained all day.

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