Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Tuesday October 2, 2018

Tuesday October 2, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

We had a hard rain most of the night.  When I first went out at 0700 the rain had stopped but the temperature was 62.  Good Grief, 62 is downright balmy.

Swim day for Nancy so she left before 0730.  After breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the Y.  I took my 7.7 hilly route to the Y.  

It being Tuesday the Y was not busy.  Why do folks prefer a MWF routine?  I have always followed a five day routine.   Three days allows too many opportunities for slacking.

The recent heavy rains and winds have left the trails cluttered with debris.  In another week the leaves will be falling increasing the debris.  Heavy leaf deposits make climbing hills difficult.  The rear wheel have trouble getting traction.

I did not get home until 1300.  I will have to limit my time at Panera.  I think Apple’s new operating system can alert me when I have exceeded an allotted time.

This evening Nancy and I are attending a lecture at Meijer’s Garden. Because of this I took  my daily walk and prepared our apple snack before dinner.

We had an early dinner not only because of the lecture but because I am having my annual physical early tomorrow.  The prescribed blood tests require I fast for 12 hours.

The lecture starts at 1900.  We left early because parking might be a problem.  Parking was a problem.  We had a long walk.

The lecture was by a cancer doctor who has written several popular books on the disease.  We were told that 900 folks attended the lecture.  The largest crowd ever for a lecture.

I did not know what to expect.  I thought the Doctor would talk about cancer and the progress made in detection and cure.  Not the case.  The Doctor talked about his writing style and how he attempts to personalize patients.  It was interesting.  I think Nancy being an English major appreciated the lecture more than a humble engineer.

We arrived home at 2100.  Too late for TV so I read the online GRP and then headed to bed.     

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