Saturday, October 13, 2018

Friday October 12, 2018

Friday October 12, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Coldest morning this fall, 40, with light rain.  I got out my lined Mountain Warehouse walking pants I bought last year at the discount mall.  

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  She is busy this morning because she has a noon book club meeting.

I was running 30 minutes late so I took the easiest 7 mile bike route.  I encountered a very large deer on the trail.  I am assuming the poor critter had a fatal collision with a large vehicle.  Little wind so I was comfortable on my ride.

Calisthenics and stretches at the Y and then I hustled to Panera.  I was late and wanted to beat the early lunch crowd.  Sometimes at lunch it is hard to get a table.

This and that

What is wrong with parents.  Many parents are not their getting kids vaccinated.  This put all kids in jeopardy.  

Forget BRexit, the U.K. is going bananas over the wedding of Princess Eugenie.  I never heard of Eugenie.

Turkey finally releases the US Pastor they held for several years.  

Sears Roebuck is an American icon.  My grandparents looked forward to the delivery of their catalog.  My Aunt Helen had a nice home that was purchased from Sears.  Now the company is filing for bankruptcy protection.  Sad!

At home I emptied several large potted plants, a sure sign the growing season is over.  Another sign of Fall, folks are raking leaves.  Love this time of year.  I also made a quick trip to Staples.  Bought a printer cartridge and a storage crate.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a bowl of clam chowder.  She had a great lunch at Book Club so she only had a piece of toast for dinner.

We had all our snacks today, apple, cheese and crackers.  I took my short walk after dinner.  We both had some wine and then settled down to watch Vera on Acorn.  

We had the furnace on all day today.  68 during daylight hours and 62 at night.  Temps to reach the high 30s this evening.

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