Saturday, October 20, 2018

Friday October 19, 2018

Friday October 19, 2018

Blog time 1140 at Panera

Good Grief I slept in until 0700 again.  You would think I was an old man.

Temperature this morning was 43.  This is 15 degrees warmer than yesterday.  Cloudy but no rain until late this afternoon.

The forties are ideal for bike riding.  This morning I saw nature boy out running with no shirt.  I saw him yesterday when temps were in 20s.  What kind of statement is he trying to make besides STUPID.

Normal calisthenics and stretches at the Y before heading to Panera.  I got to Panera a little before 11 and the place was crowded.  I had trouble finding a table.  

This and that

Tonight is the last regular season high school football game for teams with less than 6 wins.  Teams with over six wins advance to the playoffs.  In the 50s the last game was the second Friday in November.  Like today all teams played nine regular season games.      I don’t like playoffs.

The regular NHL hockey season is in full swing.  Hockey should not start until Thanksgiving.

Boston is in the World Series and if the Dodgers win today they will be in also.  However, I am want the Brewers.  Do they still brew beer in Milwaukee?

The Centennial Building is a triangular building located at the intersection of 1st, Washington and Chisholm in Alpena.  As the name implies it was built in 1900. My boyhood home at 123 First is next door to the Centennial Building.  During my day the Odd Fellows lodge was located in the building.  I always told folks I grew up next to the Odd Fellows.  The three story brick building is under new owner ship and will be remodeled or torn down.

Kim was still cleaning when I got home.  So Nancy and I made a quick trip to Trader Joe’s.  Bought Shepard’s Pie for dinner, wine and spinach pie. 

Lunch and then I drove to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  Also stopped at Ace Hardware to buy a jar of metal polish.

For dinner I had the Shepard’s Pie.  Nancy finished yesterday’s chicken noodle soup.  After the dishes even though it was dark I took a walk.  I took a flashlight primarily to spot Goose poop.  

We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.  Nancy turned in and I watched an Netflix show on the corruption in Brazil.

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