Thursday, October 11, 2018

Wednesday October 10, 2018

Wednesday October 10, 2018

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0515.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  No sun until 0750 today so I traveled downtown in darkness.  Every BC Wednesday I take a walk around the block to see the progress on construction of a multiple story building at the corner of Ottawa and Pearl.  Progress seems slow.

Small crowd today which was a shame because we had a great speaker.  The speaker works for the State of Michigan Library.  He was in charge of collections.  Very interesting.

At home I put on my bike clothes and headed to Panera.  Finished yesterday’s blog, checked email and read the news.  After Panera I took a short 5 mile bike ride home.  

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  I filled the Taurus before she left.  Wednesday, so after lunch I did my Wednesday chores, trash and laundry.  I even found time for a nap.

We had a light dinner.  After the dishes, I prepared snacks and then headed out on a short walk.  It has been raining lightly since noon so I put on rain gear.  I needed the protection because it started pouring halfway through my walk. Luckily the temp was in the 70s.

We watched an episode of Jack Ryan before Nancy turned in.  I stayed up and watched Tin Star.

Our warm weather will end tonight.  Cold and windy for tomorrow.

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