Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Monday October 1, 2018

Monday October 1, 2018

Blog time 1105 at Panera

It rained hard last night.  It was still raining at 0700 with temps in the 40s.  The weather folks said rain this morning so I decided to drive to the Y.

Nancy headed out early to her class at MVP, followed by a trip to the Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.

Today I did all my stretches and calisthenics at the Y.  In lieu of my bike ride I rowed 2K.  Checked the Concept 2 rowing web site and the 50% percentile time for my age group is 9:57.  My time today was 9:45 so that is ok.

This and that:

Forgot to mention in yesterday’s blog that this weekend we FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy.  FaceTime is a Grandparents best friend.

Finally we have a new NAFTA agreement.  Of course they changed the name from NAFTA to USMA.

News from California:  every California corporation must have a women on its Board.  Is this micro managing?

After all the rain North Carolina has been bombarded with super mosquitos.  They are 3x normal size.  I hope NC gets a killer frost.  It does freeze in NC, doesn’t it?

After lunch I drove to the Apple Store in Woodland Mall.  An employee told me how to delete my old watch from my the iphone.  Hope it works.

As soon as I got home I headed downstairs, turned on the fireplace and completed some chores:

Made an appointment with Jacobson HC to check our furnace.

Scheduled my annual physical for this Thursday.  I will also get my flu shot.

Purchased supplies for my CPAC machine.

Wrote my monthly note to the Grandkids.

Because of the rain I have not spent 30 minutes outside.  I corrected this problem by biking 5 miles.  Also mailed the Grandkid’s note.

Blast from past:  Ossineke Michigan, Oct 1, 1938.  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote in his diary:

Today is the first day of duck season.

Guy Johnson and son David shot six ducks this morning.  Guy was my father’s Uncle.

GGF split 33 bushels of hard wood kindling for the upstairs fireplace.

He predicted frost for this evening.

We had a light dinner.  The rain had stopped so after the dishes I took a short walk.  Fixed the cheese snack and then we watched an episode Vera on Acorn.  It started raining hard at bedtime.

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