Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tuesday October 9, 2018

Tuesday October 9, 2018

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Up this morning at 0630, I have to be home by 1200 because we are having the furnace man do a PM sometime this afternoon.  We really don’t need the furnace today.  It was 65 at 0700 and it is now 75 heading to 82 later.

I am having trouble typing. I cut the tip of my little finger and the bandage makes typing difficult.  Speaking of typing, do you think my Great Grandfather Sanborn’s blog would be longer if he had an ipad instead of a pen?  I think so.  I find writing at age 80 difficult.

I keep getting alerts that Nikki Haley is resigning as US Ambassador to UN.  I thought she did a good job.

Will the hysteria over Kavanaugh become old news soon.  I sure hope so.  I noted in the Alpena News this morning that several debates between folks running for office have declared that they will be civil and respectful of their opponent.  Great sign.

I think my legs are getting adjusted to my morning hill climbs.  I thought the climbs were easier this morning.  Maybe my increased energy is because I was hyped by the spectacular fall colors this morning.  

In 1956 the World Series ended on Oct 10.  This year the series won’t start for another week and will probably end in November.  The BB season is just too long.

The Y was not very busy today.  Lately I have been attempting to increase my walking speed.  Today I was able to walk at a 20’ pace.  The Y’s indoor track is the perfect place to practice.  It has a great walking surface.

The furnace man arrived at 1230.  He spent an hour working on the furnace.  We are now ready for winter.

At 1600 Nancy and I headed to Meijer Gardens.  We attended the opening of the Garden’s Covenant Learning Center.  The Learning Center consists of several classrooms each has a theme, painting, sculpture, gardening and small critters.  Very impressive.

For dinner Nancy fixed poached eggs on a waffle.  Good.

Tonight we watched NCIS and Bull.  I headed to bed early because have to get up early to attend Breakfast Club.  The warm spell ends tomorrow.


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