Monday, October 15, 2018

Sunday October 14, 2018

Sunday October 14, 2018

Weekend Update;  blog started Sunday at 2100, sitting in den

Saturday October 13, 2018, 

41 degrees and dark when we started our walk to Panera.  Bright sun came out while drinking coffee.  Pleasant walk home.

Nancy started laundry and I headed out for a bike ride.  My front disc brake was acting up so I stopped at Ada Bike.  They did a quick check and told a fix will require I bring it in next week.  Bummer!

This afternoon I removed the screen from our front door and replaced with glass.  Easier said than done.  It took me at least a hour to get the stupid glass retainer installed.  

For dinner we took a coupon and headed to Derby Station in EGR.  It has been a long time since we visited this restaurant.  I had the fish and chips and Nancy had their beef dip. The food was plentiful and good.  We gave it a B.

I was going to text Grandson Lucas and tell him to watch the Great Grandfather game,  Michigan State vs Penn State.  His GGF Scott went to MSU and GGF Patton attended PSU.  In fact GGF Patton played football at PSU.  Good game MSU won.

Also watched some of the UM vs UW game.  UM won.  Son Steve attended  UM undergrad and UW for grad school.  Steve met Veronica at UW.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We got caught up.

Watched an episode of Endeavour before turning in.

Sunday October 14;

Alarm goes off at 0615, one hour and 40’ before sunrise.  We took our 1.5 mile walk around the block in complete darkness.  We both carried flashlights.  Temperature was 40 but we were dressed properly.

After breakfast I made quick trip to Panera for my morning coffee.  We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Church was crowded.

After we stopped at Meijer for supplies.  Gas was $2.84.

Back at home I did stretches and calisthenics before lunch.  Read a few sections of GRP before taking Sunday nap.

It was such a beautiful fall day that I took a short bike ride.  Stopped at the Y to put fresh workout clothes in my locker.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had spinach pie and a croissant.  

Before settling down I prepared our apple and cheese snacks and took a walk.  Then finished reading the GRP and watched 60 Minutes.

The GRP has to be the worst newspaper serving medium size cities.  I get all my local news from TV. The only thing I really read are the funnies and obituaries.

The 60 Minute interview with POTUS was entertaining but not very informative.  After 60 Minutes we watched an episode of Tunnel.  

It was raining when took Ms P out for the last time.  Rain most of tonight and tomorrow morning.  

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