Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Monday October 8, 2018

Monday October 8, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

No rain last night but we had a heavy fog this morning.  Temperature was 52.  The weather folks say we will reach 80 today.

We all know the poem,  “in 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue”.  It was on October 12, 1492 that Columbus landed in the America’s.  Oct 12th was designated as Columbus Day in my youth.  In 1971 Congress designated the 2nd Monday in October as Columbus Day, a Federal Holiday.  Some politically correct states also designate today as Indigenous People Day.

It was so foggy this morning that I needed all my bike lights.  I took the hilly 6.5 mile route to the Y.  When I left the Y the fog had lifted and the sun was out.  

Blog resumes at 1720.  Nancy had lunch with friends from the old Blodgett Hospital Guild.  She got home just as I was finishing my lunch.  We want to get some items for Grandkids so we headed to Woodland Mall.  Stopped at several stores but were unable to locate what we wanted.  Also stopped at Kohl’s but again no luck.

The temperature this afternoon reached a high of 83.  The warm temps have brought out the Stink Bugs.  We have been inundated with these critters.  I never knew what a stink bug was until they starting appearing several years ago.  

The temperature starts dropping latter this week.  I think our days of sitting outside are over.  Today I moved all the deck chairs downstairs.

Light dinner tonight followed by our cheese snack.  It was misting so I put on a light raincoat for my short evening walk.  Good idea because no sooner did I get started when the skies opened up.  It just poured.  I was drenched when I got home.  Lucky the temp was in the high 70s.

We watched an episode of DCI Banks before turning in.  The warm weather will continue through Wednesday.

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