Sunday, October 7, 2018

Saturday October 6, 2018

Saturday October 6, 2018

Blog time 1000 sitting in downstairs office

We had more heavy rain last night.  The temperature this morning was a mild 62.  

No walk to Panera this morning.  We drove in a heavy rain.

Panera was nearly empty when we arrived shortly before 0800.  I had my oatmeal, bagel, banana and coffee.  Nancy only had coffee.

After Panera we drove to Meijer’s to look at some items on sale.  No luck.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a 9 mile bike ride.  We are rapidly approaching full fall colors on the trees.  The locust trees have reached their full bright yellow color.  Great viewing.

This past week except for turkeys I have not seen any other critters.  Where are the deer?

No sooner had I arrived home when it started to rain again.  After lunch I headed downstairs.  Nothing like a rainy afternoon for cleaning up my desk.  First time since last winter that all my baskets are empty.  The waste baskets are full.  I even found a quarterly tax payment, State and Federal,  that I had not paid.  I immediately mailed the payments.  First time ever I have neglected to make a payment.  

I see the Senate has approved Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court.  I now hope the venomous and acrimonious attacks by members of the Senate ends.  Be nice Boys and Girls.

I did watch a little football this afternoon.  I use to be a huge football fan but in recent years I have lost interest.  I do want the following teams to win because I have family members who attended.  The schools are:

Michigan (Mom, my dear Aunt Helen, Yours truly and son Steve)
Michigan State ( Dad, my Uncle Jim)
Penn State (Nancy’s father George, George also played for PSU)
Wisconsin (Steve and Veronica attended Grad school at UW)
Arizona State (Daughter in law, Veronica)

Of course I like several small Division III teams

Albion (Nancy, my Sister, Helen, and Daughter Debbie)
Amherst (Daughter Melissa)

This evening we had planned on going out for dinner.  But it was raining so we stayed home and had a bowl of soup and hot dog.  The meal hit the spot.

This evening we watched the first episode of Ozark on Netflix.  We will give the show a second look next week.  We also watched Tunnel before turning in.

Both daughters, Debbie and Missy, FaceTimed us this evening.  Nancy and I really enjoy our weekly calls from the girls.

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