Thursday, November 29, 2018

Wednesday November 28, 2018

Wednesday November 28, 2018

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Exercises at 50%, leisurely breakfast and then several light chores.

This morning it was cold, 25, but we received no snow overnight.  Still too much ice on roads and walks so today I will walk instead of ride the bike.

Nancy left early for a class at MVP.  Later she will pick up Kathi Kothe and take her shopping.  Since her recent knee procedure Kathi has some mobility issues.  This afternoon Nancy works at the Gardens and this evening we are attending a class at Trinity Lutheran.


In have been writing that on Thanksgiving Day in 1961 I had Thanksgiving dinner at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  This is wrong.  Yesterday I found a letter I wrote my Mother on Nov 29, 1961.  I did not leave the Treasure Island Navy Station near San Francisco until the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I now assume I had Thanksgiving dinner at the Treasure Island BOQ.

Left SF late on Saturday Nov 25 on a four engine prop plane.  This was my longest plane ride ever.  I remember flying along the coast of CA and being amazed at all the lights.  It was a steady stream of lights.  We landed in Hawaii Sunday morning.  I stayed at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  Left Monday morning at 1000 for Midway Island arrived at Midway at 1400.  

The grammar and spelling in my letter to my Mother was atrocious.  How did I get through college?  Good thing I married Nancy because she straightened me out.

This and that:

A photo in today’s Alpena News showed an AHS basketball player with a full beard.  In the 50s facial hair was not allowed in High School.  I think it was the custom and not a written rule.

Finally with yesterdays Mississippi Senate race the 2018 election season is over.  About time.

Hooray for the Supreme Court regarding a recent decision regarding an endangered frog.  SCOTUS ruled that the Feds cannot declare an area part of the frog’s habitat if the frogs don’t live there.  That folks is called common sense.

A backpack is the most efficient way to carry things.  I did not start regularly using one until I retired.

Do any of today’s young folk know what a clutch or choke on a car is used for?  What does “three on a tree” or four on the floor” mean?

Does U.K. PM May have any friends?  Or for that matter how about France’s Macron?

The walk home from Panera was kind of treacherous.  A lot of ice on the walks.

Nancy was just leaving for the Gardens when I got home.  I had lunch and then did the trash and recyclables.  Also started a load of laundry before taking a nap.

After the nap I did another load of laundry.  Finished reading the WSJ.

We had an early dinner before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  Tonight was lesson four on a class about finding the historical Jesus.  We listen to a taped lecture followed by a discussion.  The discussion is lead by Pastor Bob.   Pastor Bob is very good at explaining the lectures.  I am learning at lot.

Got home at 2000.  We finished the evening watching an episode of Scott & Bailey.

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