Sunday, November 25, 2018

Friday November 23, 2018

Friday November 23, 2018

Blog time 1140 sitting in living room.

The 0615 alarm woke me this morning.  Took Ms P out.  It was 28 and dark but later today we are expecting sun and temps near 40.

I went back to bed and slept until 0730.  I did calisthenics (modified) before getting dressed.  Drove to Panera to get Nancy and me a cup of coffee.  Had my traditional week day breakfast.

Nancy and Debbie headed to Meijer’s but purchased nothing. I stayed home and read the papers and worked on my blog. 

Debbie spent a lot of time packing.  She brought a big bag so she could transport some antiques she purchased back home.  She leaves at 1700 today.

I found time for a five mile bike ride.  After lunch I spent time reading the news.

Debbie had a late afternoon flight out of GR.  We drove her to the airport and said our goodbyes.

Two hours later Debbie gave us a call saying her flight was delayed.  The delay meant she could not make her flight in Denver.  She rebooked for a Saturday early morning flight.

We all had a turkey sandwich dinner.  We spent a quiet evening watching Netflix.  

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