Monday, November 19, 2018

Sunday November 18, 2018

Weekend Update for WE Sunday November 18

Blog time 1700 Sunday sitting in living room

Saturday November 17

Up with 0615 alarm:  it was 29 with light snow.

Nancy and I bundled up and walked to Panera.  The place was nearly empty.  I had my usual oatmeal breakfast and Nancy a cup of coffee.

It was still snowing lightly when we left Panera.  The big pond we pass is usually filled with geese.  No geese this morning and most of the pond had a thin layer of ice.

Nancy started the laundry and I put on my warm bike clothes.  Today I biked 10 miles.  The route I chose is nearly flat.   My winter bike with the steel studded tires does not climb hills well.

It was snowing all through my ride.  I got chilled so took a long hot shower.  My Dermatologist recommends that I do not take long hot showers because it dries my skin out.  On days like today I ignore this advice.

Lunch and then I spent some time in the office cleaning up my In Basket.  Short nap before dinner.

Nancy fixed chili for dinner.  It hit the spot.

We watched an episode of The Brokenwood Mysteries this evening.  Debbie FaceTimed us, we got caught up and planned some activities for next week.  Debbie is coming home for Thanksgiving.  We pick her up late Monday evening.

This and that:

Good day for UM football.  Bad day for MSU.

I still don’t understand Bitcoins or Net Neutrality?

UK’s PM May is taking heat for her BRexit negotiations.  I think this is probably the best she can do.

The loss of individual freedoms in places like China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Russia is very disconcerting.  

President Trump should recognize that the USA values a free press and just deal with it.  Name calling and trying to discredit the media is counter productive.

In 2016 I wasted my vote for President.  I voted Libertarian.  I would vote for a moderate but I don’t see one on the horizon.  Maybe Bloomberg?

Anyone who thinks that their vote does not count should just look at the close elections in Florida and Georgia.  I was glad to see we had record number of voters for the recent elections.  

Sunday November 18, 2018

Up with alarm and we get ready for our Sunday morning walk.  Temperature was 30 but no wind.  Our walk is usually done before sunrise, which today was at 0738.  Last week we saw deer but nothing today.

After breakfast I headed to Panera for a cup of coffee.  We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0840.  Another good turnout for the Rejoice Service.  I think parishioners like the remodeled Centennial Hall where the service is held.  After the service we picked up the Christmas Wreath we had purchased earlier.

Meijer’s was very crowded this morning.  Folks must be getting food for Thanksgiving.  Nancy did buy our turkey today.  Gas was $2.44 per gallon.

Performed some reduced calisthenics before lunch.  Finished several sections of the GRP before taking a nap.

For years I have been getting Canoe and Kayak magazine.  The publishers discontinued the magazine and send me Surfing Magazine.  I will continue getting this magazine until my subscription expires in about two years.  Grandkids Lucas and Alessandra are getting surfboards for Christmas.  Today I sent them my old copies of Surfing.

Finished the afternoon with a short five mile bike ride.  Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I also had bacon, spinach pie and English muffin.

Finished reading the GRP and watched 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched two episodes of the new Michael Douglas show.  Well written show.

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