Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Monday January 28, 2019

Monday January 28, 2019

Blog time 1010 at Panera

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA.  On this day while I was in grad school in Ann Arbor daughter Melissa Ann Scott was born.  I remember like it was yesterday.  It was early on a cold snowy Sunday morning when Nancy told me we had to get to the hospital NOW.  We jumped in our VW Bug and headed out in heavy snow.  Halfway to the Hospital the wiper quit working.  I stopped the car and started clearing the windshield when Nancy shouted just get going.  So I drove to the hospital with my head out the window.  The hospital staff grabbed Nancy and took her upstairs.  I parked the car and headed to the maternity ward.  I grabbed a magazine and was starting to sit down when the Doctor came out and said it was a girl.  Record time Missy.  Some things we never forget.

The next day before class I bought a box of cigars.  In my favorite class I passed out cigars.  We all lighted up, including the instructor, and smoked cigars celebrating Missy’s birth.  Do you think that would happen today?

It was cold and snowing when took out Ms P this morning.  I shoveled the walk.  The temperature was 7 with wind chill of -7.

Nancy bundled up and headed to MVP.  I stayed home and did all my calisthenics before breakfast.  Nancy arrived home about 0800 saying no classes today.  In fact all schools in the area are closed.  Kim called and said it was too cold so she will come tomorrow.  

Put on my snow pants and Irish fisherman sweater and walked to Panera.  Despite the cold and snow the walk was not too bad because I had the wind at my back.

Panera was not crowded.  Most folks were staying inside on this cold winter’s day.

Noted on walk home that local roads had still not been plowed.  The drives in our condo group had also not been plowed.  Nancy said we got an email from the condo association saying to be patient the plows are working and will eventually make it to our drive.

Before lunch I rowed 2K and showered.  Standard lunch, yogurt, hard boiled egg and cheese.  Took a short nap immediately after lunch.  Mid afternoon I checked and our drive had not been plowed.  I did shovel the walk between condo and garage.

Put out corn for deer, fixed our apple snack and then spent several hour in office reading.  The weather has dominated the news.  BRexit and the shutdown are old news.

Light dinner followed by cheese and pill snack for Nancy.  
The deer did not arrive until nearly 1900.  We FaceTimed Missy to wish her a happy birthday.  

Tonight we watched “The Heart Guy” on Acorn.  It was still snowing when I went out at 2200.  The drive had not been plowed.  Cold weather continues through Friday.  

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