Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday February 1, 2019

Friday February 1, 2019

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Finally, the cold spell will break today.  This morning it was -2 with wind chill of -12.  Tomorrow morning the temperature will be in low 20s.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP.  I had breakfast and then drove to the Y.  Because of the weather the Y was closed Wednesday and Thursday so today it was jammed with folks trying to catch up.  I did my calisthenics and a 2K row.  Rowing is such a good aerobics exercise, I think it will become a permanent part of my morning routine.

The cold weather has prevented road agencies from using deicing chemicals, resulting in a thin layer of packed snow over the roads.  The painted lines are obliterated so folks have a problem finding turn lanes.  All wheel drive is a must for driving in this weather.

This and that from the news:

A New Democrat is announcing his/her run for president every day.  Is there a saturation number?

USA is withdrawing from nuclear deal with Russia.  The Russians continue to violate the agreement.  Good move who can trust the Russians?

Brexit is more confusing than ever.  The EU seems to enjoy making the Brits squirm.

West Mi native Eric Prince is building a military training camp in China.  Is this in the best interest of the USA?  I think not.

I still don’t understand Net Neutrality!

Huawei the Chinese electronics firm is now under attack in the EU.  

Who cares about the Super Bowl!

I left for home from Panera in bright sunshine.  The temperature had risen to 12.  Ran several errands on way home.  First stopped at Credit Union and purchased a 12 month CD.  Next was a car wash.

Quick lunch and then started some chores.  I put new batteries in three smoke alarms and one motion detector.  

Wrote monthly notes to Grandkids.  Ran outside to put notes in mail box but too late the mail had already arrived.  Walked to post box on Charlevoix.  A beautiful day for a walk and I got my thirty minutes outside.  Missed this goal on Wed and Thurs.

I put out new corn for deer.  I was surprised that all the cobs I put out yesterday were stripped clean.  They must have come late at night.

For first time this year I noted several folks snowshoeing and skiing in the back yard.  Perfect conditions, 15” of light fluffy snow.

Quick nap and then our apple snack.  Nancy is fixing spaghetti for dinner tonight.

The spaghetti was great.  Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack and then settled down for some streaming TV.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders. 

Presently, 2200, it is 9 degrees.  Tomorrow morning when we get up it will be 21.  The warming trend begins.



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