Saturday, February 2, 2019

Saturday February 2, 2019

Saturday February 2, 2019

Blog time 1015 sitting in Cascade Library

The warming has started.  This morning the temp was 12 with wind chill above zero.  A big improvement over the last few days.  In fact I just checked and the temp has risen to 26.

The roads and walks are still snow covered with slippery areas.  We decided to drive to Panera.  We arrived at 0730 and only two folks were drinking coffee.

I had my standard Saturday oatmeal breakfast and Nancy this morning was so hungry she ordered a bagel with cream cheese.  She said it was good.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I walked to the Cascade Library.  I got a coffee and found a nice quiet cubicle.

Comments on news:

Will the current President of Venezuela survive?  I don’t have a clue.

The economy keeps chugging along with a good jobs report?

What’s with Notre Dame covering up painting of Chris Columbus?  Exploration is part of the human experience.  Folks should just get on with it.  What happens, happens.  Overall the world is a better place.

The Dems are having a feeding frenzy over what the Virginia Governor did over 35 years ago.  We all do stupid things in our youth.  Forgiveness is a Christian teaching.  

The temp was up to 36 degrees when left the Library.  Lunch and then we headed out to run errands.  First stop Breton Village.  I stopped at Fitzgerald’s and then Orvis.  They were all having end of season sales.  Nancy visited Talbots and the Loft.  We purchased nothing.

Stopped at Costco so Nancy could pick up a prescription.  Doctor Kutsche was suppose to update Nancy’s prescription but his office was closed this week because of weather so the update was not forwarded.  The Pharmacist was nice enough to give Nancy three days worth of pills. 

At home took a nap and then put out corn for deer.  During my nap Nancy spent time FaceTiming with Granddaughter Alessandra.

Speaking of critters the Groundhog did not see his shadow this morning so we will have an early Spring.  An early Spring would be great.

For dinner tonight we headed to Schnitz Deli for dinner.  I had a great bowl of cream of mushroom soup.  Nancy had a Philly sandwich.  I ate half.  We like the place and give it an A.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We got caught up.

Tonight we watched the final episode of Scott & Bailey.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched 1/2 of Bordertown before falling asleep.

It was 39 when went out at 2230.  Major thaw underway if it freezes overnight we will have big problems tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

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