Sunday, February 10, 2019

Saturday February 9, 2019

Saturday February 9, 2019

Blog time 1115 sitting in Cascade Library.

It was cold, 13, but no wind this morning.  The roads had not been cleared so no walk to Panera this morning.  We drove to Panera and arrived at 0800.  The place was empty.

I had my standard breakfast and Nancy had her coffee.  Many folks are still without power.  Consumers Power called repair crews from as far away as Kentucky to help get power back on.  I think most of the out of state crews stayed at the Crowne Plaza across the street from Panera.  There looked like at least 30 bucket trucks in their parking lot.  They all headed out about 0800.

After Panera we drove to the Dollar Store so Nancy could purchase some jewelry boxes.  My sister, Helen, purchased a lot of jewelry for Nancy at the Tucson Show.

At home I checked on the corn I put out last night and it was untouched.   Nancy started the laundry and I grabbed my iPad and walked to the Cascade Library.  Blue sky and sun made for a great walk.

This and that:

Jeff Bezos vs the National Enquirer is great theater.  I am on Bezos side.  Every Sunday at Meijer’s, while standing in line, I read the front page of the Enquirer.  I tell Nancy how can they print this stuff without being sued.  Maybe they have just met their match.

The press is having a field day with the top three Democrats in Virginia.  I would forgive the Governor and Attorney General.  We all do stupid things in our youth.  Who said “to err is human to forgive divine” got it right.

The Lt Governor’s problems is a matter for the courts.  I would like to see someone develop a full proof lie detector test.  Solve a lot of problems.

The deadline is growing near to solve the wall problem.  I think it will happen.

Will Venezuela’s President survive the latest crisis?

Before lunch I did some calisthenics, shaved and showered.  Found time for a nap.  

At 1700 we picked up our old neighbor Sonya and drove to Logan’s Road House for dinner.  The place was crowded. The waiting times were averaging an hour.  Luckily we had reservations.  We all had sirloin steak.  The food was good.  We gave Logan’s a B+.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  Debbie said it has rained most of the week.  The snow pack is at 120%.  This is good news.
We watched an episode of Grantchester before turning in.  Next week our weather is returning to normal.

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