Friday, February 8, 2019

Thursday February 7, 2019

Thursday February 7, 2019

Blog time 1015 at Panera

The Yucky weather continues.  Nearly fell on the ice covered walk this morning.  It was drizzling with the temp at 32.  Ms P has trouble standing up on the ice.  I salted the walk.

Rain predicted for all day.  No wonder folks get depressed this time of year.  Remember the old saying “rain, rain go away come again some other day”.

I told Nancy the drive was ice covered and she should check to see if she can make it down.  She went out to check.  At same time the Condo Association’s snow removal crew arrived and salted the drive.  

Nancy grabbed her swim bag and headed to MVP.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then put on rain suit and ice grabbers on my boots and walked to Panera.

Walked in a light drizzle.  The walks were ice covered but the ice grabbers work.

This and that:

During breakfast or lunch I always switch to the BBC at the top of the hour to watch their news summary.  Another perspective!

BRexit is a mess.  No winners, especially Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The GR area schools were closed all last week and most of this week.  The kids will be going to school in July.  Nancy said the Grandmothers she sees at MVP are going stir crazy taking care of Grandkids on snow days.

The mess in Venezuela continues with news that Venezuela owes billions to China and Russia.

House Dems are going after POTUS’s tax returns.  Why doesn’t he just provide them?  Every other President has.

I get mad when I read about the Measles outbreaks in communities with a large number of kids that have not had the shots.  The vast majority of Doctors say the vaccines are safe.

UK has single payer national health service.  It gets bad marks for service.  Now the UK is providing legal service to folks with a complaint.  Why not get rid of the attorneys and just expand the medical schools.  My trust in Doctors is much greater than lawyers.

Noted a lot of ice laden tree branches had fallen on my walk home.  The ice is causing major power outages in the area.

At home I rowed 2K.  Today I set a PB by rowing the 2K in under 9:30, 9:27.  Showered and then quick lunch.

This afternoon I drove to ACE to purchase another 20# bag of deicing salt.  ACE had just opened after losing power this morning.

Stopped at home and picked up Nancy.  We headed to Walmart.  I returned bottles and Nancy made several small purchases.  I think Michigan’s bottle return program has been a big success.

Quick nap and then we had our apple snack.  Put out the last of my corn.  This evening I looked out and saw our normal two deer eating the corn.  Ten minutes later I looked out and there were six deer fighting over the corn.  

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup with a salad for dinner.  After the dishes watched the news and fixed the cheese with pill snack.

Tonight we watched an episode of Fauda.  This was the 2nd episode and I still haven’t made up my mind if I like the show.  Finished the evening with another episode of Bordertown.  I like this show.

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