Monday, February 11, 2019

Sunday February 10, 2019

Sunday February 10, 2019

Blog time 1310 sitting in living room

The temperature this morning was a balmy 18 with no wind.  We decided to take our Sunday walk around the block, 1.25 miles.

Bundled up and headed out.  We encountered a few isolated icy patch but nothing serious.  Breakfast and then headed to Panera to get coffee for us to take to Trinity Lutheran.

Small crowd at church this morning which we attributed to folks being without power.  In fact this afternoon we were going to attend a concert by the Army Band at Trinity but it was canceled because the Band’s headquarters was without power.

Observation on Lutheran Church.  Nancy and I started going back to church two years ago.  In my youth I attended First Methodist in Alpena.  I never paid much attention but I do remember conversations about Hell and the Devil.  I thought the Methodists were trying to terrorize us.  Since I started attending Trinity Lutheran I have never, I mean never, heard anything about the Devil or Hell.  It is all about love, forgiveness and following the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.  I prefer this message.

Like church Meijer’s also was not crowded this morning. We assumed this was also weather related.  Gas today was $2.34.

After unloading the Escape I took the Taurus and filled it up.  Light lunch and then my mandatory Sunday nap.  

It started snowing hard about 1600.  Took out corn and then took another walk around the block.

For dinner tonight Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs.  I will also have a croissant, spinach pie and bacon.  The meal was just as I described.

Settled down to watch 60 Minutes but it was replaced by the Grammys.  We are not into Grammys so we watched an episode of Hinterland.  I would describe this show as gritty.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched the Finnish Cop show Bordertown.

It was snowing and 22 when took Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will remain in low 20s all night.  Low 20s is ok.      

Nancy got up before midnight and saw two deer eating the corn.  Night time visibility is really enhanced with snow on ground. 

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