Monday, February 18, 2019

Sunday February 17, 2019

Sunday February 17, 2019
Blog time; 1200 sitting in living room

Nancy took Ms P out early this morning.  She said the temp was 13.  I checked my app and the wind chill was 7.  Single digits no walk.  I slept until 0730.

I am feeling much better but Nancy is still babying me.  I kind of enjoy it.

Nancy showered and I had breakfast before heading to Trinity Lutheran.  No Panera coffee because I am still on the coffee diet.

We arrived early at church so we headed to the Gathering Room.  This room was created by the renovation project.  It is a large open space where folks get together before service.  Coffee and snacks are available.

Also getting coffee was Dan Gohlke.  Dan is one of two Gohlke brothers who attend Trinity.  They are from Alpena.  Dan is about 12 years younger than I am.  He is going to his fifty year AHS reunion this summer.  He talked about playing basketball at Bay View park on the lake shore.  He said that a lot of Air National Guardsmen from the Alpena base would join the local boys.  He said that he played ball with a Professional Base Ball Player named Tommy John.  I introduced Dan to Nancy and told him she dated Tommy John.  Dan was impressed.  Always good to one up a neighbor.
After church we headed to Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.44.  Nancy made several small purchases.  

At noon it started to snow hard.  I finished yesterday’s blog and read some of the GRP.  I had to read the digital edition because for the third straight week the GRP failed to deliver our paper copy.

Lunch and then took my Sunday nap.  After I put on my boot grabbers and took a 40 minute walk.

After the walk I:
Fixed our apple snack
Put out corn for deer
Paid all outstanding bills
Finished packing.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs with bacon for dinner.  I am also having spinach pie and a croissant.  Sound good?

Looked out the window at 1900 and saw 7 deer fighting over the corn.  They must be very hungry.  The cold and deep snow make finding food difficult.

Fixed Nancy her cheese and pill snack and then settled down to watch 60 Minutes.  We also watched an episode about the Montreal mob, Bad Blood.  I liked it, Nancy did not.  I will watch after she goes to bed.

Granddaughter Alessandra FaceTimed tonight.  We will attend Alessandra’s softball game Wednesday.

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