Friday, February 15, 2019

Thursday February 14, 2019

Thursday February 14, 2019

Blog time 1215 at Panera


I remember Valentine’s Day in my elementary school years.  Everyone in my second grade class would exchange a card.  My mother would purchase a packet of cards and let me pick out which card would go to my classmates.  I liked to save the largest and mushiest for the cute girls in class.  I would take my cards home and spend hours reading them.  Actually most card had very little dialogue but I would try to read between the lines.

It seem like it always snowed on Valentines Day.

In High School we had a Valentines dance.

In 1964 while serving in Vietnam there were four single officers in my unit we all got one Valentine card.  It was from Mom.  

Nancy and I usually celebrated the day with a nice dinner at a local restaurant.

The company that makes those small heart shaped Valentine candy with small writings like “Love You” is going out of business.  I loved those candies. 

I am a member of the UM Alumni Association.  Today one of the news letter had a section on how many students met their future wife on campus.  It brought back a date arranged by my big city freshman roommates.  They fixed me up with a girl called Betty Bell.  I was given a time and location where to meet Betty. I put on my best sport coat and headed out.  The location was in front of the school’s bell tower.  You guessed it, I was fixed up with the tower.  Yes the kid from Alpena was truly naive.

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I slept in until 0700.  Nancy went swimming.  Did some calisthenics before breakfast.

At 0800 I called Dr Kutsche’s office.  Surprise! I got a 1000 appointment.  I showered and at 0930 headed to the Doc’s office.  Bottom line I have some gastrointestinal upset.  The Doc does not think it is serious.  Limit my coffee drinking and he recommended taking Mylanta as needed.  He took a blood and urine sample and said he hope we enjoy our time in CA.

 After the Doc I drove to Panera.  It is now 1236 and I have spent all my time writing blogs.  Will read the news after my afternoon nap.

Had lunch and then Nancy and I drove to Macatawa Bank.  Nancy was having problems getting on the bank’s web site.  The Manager fixed her problem.  We also got money for our trip to CA.  Next stop was D&W.  Nancy bought saltine crackers and I bought a bottle of Mylanta.
The temperature got up near 40 today with brief periods of sun.  A cold spell predicted for the weekend.

I took a nice long nap.  Fixed our afternoon apple snack before putting out corn for deer.

We had chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Like most week nights:  watched the news, fixed Nancy’s cheese and pill snack, Jeopardy and then switched to Apple TV.

Tonight we watch an episode of Call The MidWifes.  I stayed up and watched another Bordertown.

Took Ms P out and the temp had dropped to 24.  Snow tomorrow.

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