Thursday, February 7, 2019

Wednesday February 6, 2019

Wednesday February 6, 2019

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Woke up this morning to an ice covered world.  We had snow/rain most of the night and every thing was ice covered.  Ms P had difficulty standing up.  I was surprised that traffic was able to negotiate the hill in front of the condo.  Most schools in the area were closed which means no Trinity class tonight.  The church’s rule is that if schools are closed they are closed.

Nancy must have cabin fever because she said she was going to MVP despite the ice.  I told her to keep her phone nearby and call me if she has trouble.  No call so I assume everything was ok.  The afternoon she has a shift at the Gardens.  She plans on going.

Today is Wednesday my easy day.  I did some calisthenics and then headed out to breakfast at Panera.  I wore my ice grabbers which fit on the bottom of my boots.  They work great, no problems walking.

When I arrived at Panera only two customers were there.  Had my standard oatmeal breakfast.  I proofread yesterday’s blog before publishing.  I am surprised at how many mistakes I find on my original draft.  Maybe POTUS should let his tweets sit overnight before publishing?

The papers this morning only talked about last night’s State of the Union Address.  I have no comment.

I noted on my walk home that the trees were still ice covered.  It is really beautiful.

As soon as I got home Nancy left for the Gardens.  She does not expect much business this afternoon because of the weather.  In fact when she got home at 1630 she said it was really slow.  The only folks who came were photographers who wanted to take pictures of the ice cover trees.

It being Wednesday I did a load of laundry, took out the trash and recyclables and took a nap.  After the nap I put out corn for the deer.  Lately we have been having only two deer eating the corn.  Why don’t the deer eat the cobs? I would think they would have some nutritional value.

As soon as Nancy got home we had our apple snack.  We are following the old adage that “an apple a day keeps the Doctor away”.  

Light dinner followed by cheese and pill snack.  Tonight we watched the final episode of Agatha Christie’s ABC Murders.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Bordertown.  

More freezing rain tonight. In fact it is suppose to rain all day tomorrow.  Bummer!

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