Monday, February 25, 2019

Sunday February 24, 2019

Sunday February 24, 2019

Blog time 1930, sitting in hotel room/watching the Academy Awards.

This morning we slept in until 0630.  We were downstairs waiting for breakfast to open at 0700.  I had my usual oatmeal and yogurt breakfast.  The place was crowded with a lot of families.  They must be going to Disneyland.

We called Missy and asked if we could stop by.  She said ok.  We arrived about 1000 and spent an hour talking.  Missy showed us some of her clothing line.  Nancy was impressed and like the fabrics.  Missy had an 1130 meeting.  

Nancy and I walked to the Coffee Bean and had a coffee and almond scone.  We sat outside enjoying the warm sun and watching folks walk by.

We drove back to hotel to rest for an hour.  We did make a stop at Von’s to buy some sunscreen.  Yesterday my face got sunburned.  Yes folks bright red just like in July.  

Later we drove to the City of Hawaiian Gardens to see Lucas’s baseball game. The game started at 1500.  Lucas’s team won.

After the game we again stopped at Von’s Supermarket and bought an apple, yogurt and TV dinner.  We will feast tonight.

Tonight we watched the Academy Awards.  Being on the West Coast the show was over at 2015.  Nancy said it was the first time she watched the show without falling asleep.

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