Saturday, February 9, 2019

Friday February 8, 2019

Friday February 8, 2019

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Wow what a difference a day makes.  Over an inch of new snow with temperature at 13 and wind chill at -2.  Our drive was salted early this morning.  I really think it is too cold for salt.

Nancy headed out to her class at MVP.  Her daily exercise routine is important.  I am glad.  She looks great.

Despite today’s cold there are signs that Spring is coming.

We now have 10h 6’ of daylight.

Today the Historical average daily high temperature reaches 32.  The daily average low temp does not reach 32 until 03/31.

Walking into the wind this morning was brutal.  However, the walk home will be fine with the wind at my back.

This morning at Panera I saw a number of Grandparents having breakfast with the Grandkids.  Two reasons: schools are closed or the kids homes are without power.

This afternoon I have a Doctor’s appointment to check out my hip.  Like most GP’s he will probably send me to a hip specialist.

I still cannot get over seeing high school BB players with full beards.  Unheard of in my day.

John Dingell of MI passed today at age 92.  He stands as the longest serving member of congress.  Dingell served in a congress where member respected one another.  I think it was because they had the shared experience of serving in the military during WW II.

Extremely high winds today, 30 mph+.  I noted on my walk home that the winds had blown all the ice off trees.  Good news.

At home showered and then had quick lunch.  Before my Doctor’s appointment I stopped at Chow Hound and bought a 35# bag of corn.  

My Doctor’s appointment was at 1530 but did not get in to see the Doc until 1600.  We discussed my hip problem history.  The Doc has scheduled an X-ray for the hip.  He should be able to tell if any arthritis is present and if the joint has deteriorated.  

We discussed my options for living with an occasional sore hip.  They were

If a particular exercise hurts, ease off.  That means I probably should give up rowing.

Taking Motrin to ease pain is ok.  The Doc said he has many patients that take Motrin three times a day.  My occasional single dose a day is ok.

Think of switching to swimming or maybe using an Elliptical machine.  

Hope for an early Spring because bike riding does not causes any pain.

It was still blowing and snowing when I headed home.  The roads were in terrible shape.  Looks like another evening at home.

We had our afternoon apple snack.  Also put out corn for deer.  I doubt if any deer will show up.  (I checked at 2200 and no deer.)

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup and a salad for dinner.  This evening we watched an episode of Vera before heading to bed.


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