Thursday, February 21, 2019

Wednesday February 20, 2019

Wednesday February 20, 2019

Blog time Thursday 2030 sitting in Homewood Suites room

Major league jet lag, Nancy and I tossed and turned all night.  We finally got up at 0530.

The weather folks said the temp would be in 50s and cloudy with rain possible.  We headed downstairs at 0600 for the hotel’s breakfast.

I had oatmeal, banana, yogurt, coffee and bagel.  Nancy had oatmeal, fruit, coffee and toast.  The hotel’s oatmeal is good.

Today is an easy day.  The following is a brief summary.

Drove to Mall in Manhattan Beach.  Nancy bought an item at Talbots.

For lunch I had Costco’s frozen yogurt.  The Costco is located in Long Beach.  Purchased nothing.

Drove to Long Beach Harbor and walked the waterfront.  It was cool and windy so not too many folks.

1700 arrived at ElDorado Park in Long Beach.  Tonight we are watching Granddaughter Alessandra’s softball game.  The game only lasted two innings.  It was called because of rain.  Yes folks rain in sunny California. First time I have ever seen a Grandkids game called because of rain.   We did get a chance to see Alessandra field and bat.  Steve and Veronica were the supportive parents.  

The traffic on the 405 back to our hotel was bumper to bumper.  Glad I brought my night driving glasses.  

As soon as we got home Nancy crashed.  I showered and then crashed.  It was 2000.

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