Sunday, February 17, 2019

Saturday February 16, 2019

Saturday February 16, 2019

Blog time 1115 sitting in Cascade Library 

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was cold and windy.  She was right. Checked my weather app and it was 21 with wind chill in single digits.  No walk to Panera today.

We arrived before 0800 and the place was empty.  At 0830 Panera was crowded.  I had my usual oatmeal breakfast sans banana. Nancy had a coffee.

Talked to the manager about their music selection.  She said it comes from Corporate, all stores play the same music.  I commented that us old folks like the music because we recognize some songs.  Did you know that Panera is owned by a German corporation?  Speaking of German Corporations we are heading to Aldi’s after breakfast.

Aldi opened at 0900 and we arrived shortly after.  Bought some wheat thin like crackers.  Nancy bought four boxes because they were on sale.  Also purchased bananas.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I grabbed my ipad and walked to the Cascade Library, a distance of 0.75 miles.  First time walking outside since Tuesday.  Felt good.

In my youth fresh fruits and vegetables were not available in winter.  Mothers would give their kids a spoonful of Cod Liver Oil each day.  It was yucky.  The oil contained vitamin D.  A good source of Vitamin D is sun which is in short supply in winter.

I encountered quite a few icy patches on my walk home.  I should have worn my grabbers.  Noted no walkers on my way home.  Folks are hunkering down waiting for thaw which should be happening soon.  The daily avg high for the rest of the month is 34+.

After lunch I finished packing.  Also finished reading the papers before nap.

Chores after nap included;
Apple snack
Putting out corn for deer
Putting away laundry

I see that the ex Gov of Massachusetts, William Weld might run on the GOP ticket against President Trump.  I would vote for him.  In fact I did vote for him in 2016 when he ran for VP on the Libertarian ticket.

For dinner Nancy fixed spinach stuffed chicken breast with salad.  Very good.  

Watched an episode of Midsomer Murders. Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She said they had a lot of rain in San Jose this week.  Look forward to Debbies Saturday night calls.  

FaceTime is such a great tool for keeping in contact with family.  In my youth I remember that the best way to communicate with distant relatives was by writing a letter.  During WWII my Dad was drafted as a civilian to work for the Army out of Chicago.  Dad wrote Mother a letter every day.

We were both in bed by 2200.  The wind chill will be in single digits tomorrow morning so we can sleep in.  Don’t walk outside in single digit weather.

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