Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Monday February 11, 2019

Monday February 11, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera.

Ms P got us up early, 0550, this morning.  The temperature was 22.  Nice to see a new layer of snow.  We got about 1.5” overnight.

Nancy headed out early for a class at MVP.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then walked to Panera.  The new snow made walking easy.  The snow provides traction.

This afternoon I will getman X-ray of my left hip.  Also this afternoon Brenna our house sitter will stop by for some instructions on taking care of Ms P especially her meds.  Nancy and I will head to Ca next week to see Grandkids.  It will be great to get out of the winter weather.  We both have cabin fever.

As soon as I got home I got in Escape and headed to Metro Health’s Lab.  They were not busy so I got the X-ray  in less than 10 minutes.  Stopped at Meijer’s on way home to get apples.  Lunch and some reading before Brenna arrived. We gave her special instructions on Ms Ps meds.

After my nap I put out six ears of corn for deer and took a walk along the old golf cart path to inspect several ponds.  Saw no wildlife but the ponds seem in good shape.

More and more folks are getting their DNA tested.  I checked 23&me and located several 2nd Cousins.  In two cases we shared a Great Grandparent.  I contacted the 2nd cousins and provided the names of my GGrandparents.

Today we had our before dinner apple snack.  Nancy had her after dinner cheese and pill snack.

Light dinner and then at 2000 we watched “The Marvelous Mrs Maisel”.  One of the better episodes.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched Bordertown.

Looked out the bedroom window at midnight and there were five deer eating the six ears of corn.  I had planned on only two deer.  

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