Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Tuesday February 5, 2019

Tuesday February 5, 2019

Blog time 1050 at Panera

The temperature was 32 at 0630 this morning.  The temperature will remain in the low 30s all day.

 Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  After breakfast I walked to the Y.  It is 1.77 miles.  Encountered several icy areas.  Glad I decided not to take bike.

The Y was nearly empty.  The New Year’s resolution folks are gone.  Today I stepped on the scale naked and then with all my winter clothes and backpack.  I was carrying 15 pounds.

Every day at Panera I read the on line Alpena News.  Every two weeks Doug Pugh writes a column of Alpena in his youth.  Because Doug is near my age I really enjoy his column.  Today’s column was about popular radio shows of the 40s and 50s.  Great column and I emailed him telling him so.  He replied within 10 minutes.

This and that:

What’s with the stock market.  It keeps on humming.

I see a lot of folks reading the WSJ but never see a NYT. 
Tonight the President delivers his State of the Union address.  I don’t know if I will watch.  I am embarrassed by the childish posturing of the President and Speaker.

The situation in Venezuela is dire.  I cannot imagine an inflation rate of over 1,000%.

Is the President of Turkey trying to establish another Ottoman Empire?  NATO might want to rethink their membership.

The sidewalks were nearly bare on my walk home.  It felt great.  However, the weather folks say we can expect a rain/snow mix tonight.  I got out my ice grabbers because I might need them tomorrow.

As soon as I got home I put on my workout clothes and rowed 2K.  My goal is to row the 2K in 9’30”. Close but no cigar yet.  Speaking of Cigars, Son Steve attended a Scotch and cigar get together with fathers from Grandson Lucas’s baseball team.  Steve took a bottle of Springbank Single Malt Scotch.  Springbank is distilled in Campbeltown, Scotland.  Campbeltown is the home town of his Great Great Grandfather McTavish.  I bought a bottle when we visited Campbeltown.  I thought it was great.

Nancy had a late breakfast today with college friend Karen Horling.  Karen’s husband Hal recently passed.  Nancy says Karen is holding up well.  

This afternoon I took a nap in my recliner.  I actually sleep best in the recliner.  After the nap I fixed our apple snack and then put out corn for deer.

Nancy fixed a fancy stuffed chicken breast for dinner.  Also had peas and a salad.  

After the news we watched an episode of ABC Murders.  I like John Malkovich who plays Detective Poirot.

Yes folks Bob and Nancy watched the President’s State of Union address.  It was good theater but nothing substantial was said by either party.

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