Monday, February 4, 2019

Sunday February 3, 2019

Sunday February 3, 2019

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

Yucky is the best way to describe today.  It was 42 degrees at 0630 today.  The temp will remain in 40s all day with drizzle this afternoon.

It was too wet and icy for our normal Sunday walk around the block.  I had breakfast and then drove to Panera to get coffee for Nancy and I to take to church.  Checked for our Sunday paper but no delivery today.  No explanation.  I read my digital copy.  Nancy was mad because she reads the Sunday ads especially Meijer’s.

With all the melting we encountered water everywhere. Noted fog coming off the melting snow.

I forgot to mention in the February 1st blog that the 1st would have been the 79th birthday of Nancy’s Sister Judy.  Judy Patton was a special lady.  She was in the first class from Harvard to grant women a MBA.  Because only 18 months separated Nancy and Judy they were very close.  Nancy and Judy while in college spent a summer in Switzerland.

What I remember most about Judy was that she was a great aunt to our kids.  She went out of her way to spend quality time with each kid.  I have fond memories spending several summers at Judy’s Beach House in Hull, Ma.

Some times the Lord work in mysterious ways.  During Judy’s final year Nancy was laid off by the GR Schools.  This lay-off provided Nancy the opportunity to spent time with Judy.  The Scott family loved and miss Judy.

The UM played a BB game Friday night they lost.  Serves them right because Friday night should be reserved for High School Sports.  I always thought there was an understanding that colleges would not play on Fridays.  Shame on UM.

After church we headed to Meijer’s.  Gas was $2.17 per gallon.  Meijer’s was not crowded.  Most folks probably had purchased their Super Bowl snacks earlier.

At home I headed downstairs for some calisthenics.  Also started reading the GRP on my iPad.  Apple notified me today that last week I averaged four hours per day on the iPad.  That does not surprise me because I never read paper copies of newspapers or books.  

After lunch my activities included;

A nap
1.5 mile walk
spent hour in office checking finances and tax info.
Put out corn for deer

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine with waffles.

Checked outside after dinner and noted six deer eating the corn.  Food must be getting scarce.

It is now 2000 and we are watching the Super Bowl halftime show.  I don’t know any of the performers.

First time this year I watched an entire football game.  I thought several of the commercials were funny.  


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