Sunday, February 24, 2019

Saturday February 23, 2019

Saturday February 23, 2019

Blog time 1900 sitting in hotel room, Redondo Beach 

I set the alarm for 0530.  Mistake!  I could have slept in until 0630 because our activities start at 0930 instead of what I had incorrectly assumed was 0900.  Also on weekends breakfast is at 0700 not 0600.  Bad start to the day.

I had breakfast at the hotel.  Nancy is having breakfast with Alessandra at the Bake and Broil restaurant in Long Beach.  We left the hotel at 0815 and headed to the restaurant.  

 Veronica dropped Alessandra off and headed out to run errands.  Alessandra and Nancy had a nice breakfast.  After breakfast Veronica picked them up for a short shopping trip followed by a trip to El Dorado Park.  Alessandra has an early afternoon softball game.

Steve picked me up at the Bake and Broil.  I left the rental in the parking lot.  We drove to Lucas’s baseball game in a town called Hawaiian Gardens.  Actually Lucas has two ball games.

Lucas’s team won the first game.  He had an RBI single.  The second game was another story. They got beat.

After the game we headed to El Dorado Park in Long Beach to watch the closing minutes of Alessandra’s game.  Alessandra’s team won.

Everyone was hungry so we drove to the Islands restaurant for a late lunch.  The Islands is in Seal Beach.  Good food.

Steve dropped us off at our rental.  We drove straight back to the motel.  We arrive at 1700.

Cheese and wine for dinner.  We were both in bed by 2100.  Long but nice day.

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