Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Monday February 18, 2019

Monday February 18, 2019

Blog time 1010 sitting at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  She said it was 16.  I checked my app and the wind chill was 6.  I got up at 0630.  Feeling much better today.

Nancy headed our early for a class at MVP.  I did my calisthenics, 75%, at home today.

After breakfast bundled up and walked to Panera, 0.8 miles.  The sun was out nice and bright.  Sun is always good.

Nancy called me at Panera and said that it was time to check in for tomorrow’s trip to LA.  I hurried home.  We fired up our United app and downloaded our boarding passes.  We each moved our passes to our iPhone wallet. It is sure a lot easier getting a boarding pass than 30 years ago.

The next high tech endeavor was for Nancy to get her Uber app working.  She called Debbie for help.  After some fiddling Nancy ordered an Uber for tomorrow at 0450.  Our backup plan is if Uber is a no show we take the car to the airport.  First times are always unpredictable.

Rest of afternoon;
Finished packing and brought bags upstairs.
Checked house security like locked doors and windows.
Put out corn for deer.

Light dinner and then watched an episode of Grantchester before turning in. It was cold when took Ms P out but the temp will drop to single digits by morning.

Nancy and I had a good look at the super moon.  We won’t see another until 2026.

Set alarm for 0345.  Short night.


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