Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tuesday February 26, 2019

Tuesday February 26, 2019

Blog time 0900 sitting in hotel, Redondo Beach, Ca

The TV folks this morning say the LA area is having the coldest February in 60 years.  The temp has not reached 70 this month.   Big deal, 60 is fine and the sun is great.

Today Nancy and I took a drive south on the Pacific Coast Highway.  We started in Long Beach and ended in San Clemente.  Pleasant drive along the Pacific passing through several very upscale communities.  I always ask myself as I look at all these multi-million dollar homes what do these folks do for a living?  

For lunch today we had a frozen yogurt at Costco near our hotel.  Nancy and I have been on a frozen yogurt binge the last several days.  

We spent some time in our hotel packing for tomorrow’s trip back to MI.  At 1530 we headed to Long Beach to have an early dinner, 1645, with Steve and family.  Traffic on the 405 was bumper to bumper.  

We met at Hoffs Hut in Los Alamitos.  The restaurant was near the fields where grandson Lucas will have soccer practice followed by baseball practice.  Good grief two practices on a school night. Monday night he had a baseball game.  We just hope Lucas does not burnout.

The food at Hoffs Hut was very good.  I gave it a B+.  It was great being able to spend time with Steve and family.

We thought by leaving at 1900 the traffic on the 405 would be light.  No way! it was still bumper to bumper.  My eye Doctor prescribed a pair of night driving glasses.  They worked great this evening with all the car lights.  

Once again Bob and Nancy were in bed by 2100.  It has been a great eight days visiting family.  However, Nancy and I are ready to get back to our boring routine.  I think we both must have put on 10 pounds.   

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