Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Monday February 4, 2019

Monday February 4, 2019

Blog time 0855 at Panera

The warmup continues.  It was 45 when I first went out.  Nancy headed out early for her class at MVP.  She said she has many errands to run today.

I checked my weather app which told me no rain until 1100.  Based on this info I made my plans.  After breakfast I would walk to the Y, do my calisthenics and then walk to Panera.  I would be at Panera before the 1100 rain.

The best laid plans are often screwed by bad info.  I got half way to the Y when it started to pour.  I made a quick detour to Panera.  Will do my calisthenics later at home. Bummer!


Today is the 11th birthday of Granddaughter Akerke Scott.  Akerke was born in Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan.  Nancy and I accompanied Missy to Kyzylorda to see Akerke before the adoption.  We loved her then and love her now.  She is a talented artist.  We look forward to her annual summer visits to GR.  Happy Birthday Akerke.

Still raining when headed home.  I did the calisthenics and 2K row.  Showered, lunch and then started errands.  
Stopped at Y to drop off clean workout clothes.  Next stop Woodland Mall.  Bought shoe polish at Johnson Murphy.  At Apple Store asked about changing battery in Nancy’s iPad.  They don’t change batteries but will swap iPads for a small fee.

Headed home to pick up Nancy. We headed to Costco.  I bought wine, cheese, Cheerios and eye drops.  Nancy was going to pick up a prescription. It no luck.  Dr Kutsche’s office had not called in.  Bummer!

For the rest of the afternoon;

Fixed apple snack,  put out corn for deer and took a nap.  

Light dinner and then some TV.  We had a nice FaceTime talk with the birthday girl, Akerke.  They are having Chinese for dinner.

Nancy and I watched the new ABC Murders on Prime.  I liked the show but Nancy said she needs one more episode before any judgement.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched episode two of Bordertown.  I like this show.

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