Monday, January 1, 2018

Saturday December 30, 2017

Saturday December 30, 2017

Blog time 1250 at Panera

Yes folks it is still cold.  Temp in low teens and will stay there until 1800 when it will start dropping to 0.  The wind speed has been 15mph making wind chills below zero.

For breakfast we head out to ihop.  Nancy and AJ had pancakes and I had their eggs with hash browns.  

After breakfast we headed to Hobby Lobby.  We all purchased small items.  I really like Hobby Lobby.

Our next stop was the Chow Hound.  I bought a bag of corn on the cob to put out for the deer.  At home AJ helped me put out the corn.

Nancy started laundry and I walked to Panera.  It was a miserable walk with the wind in my face.  The walk home will be better.

We will spend the afternoon at home but for dinner we plan on going to Russ’s for hamburgers and soup in a bread bowl.  Stay tuned!

Quiet afternoon at home but I did take a walk around the block.  As mentioned earlier we had dinner at Russ’s.  They were out of bread for a bread bowl so I had a bowl of chili,  Nancy a bowl of chicken rice soup and AJ had a hamburger with mashed potatoes.  We all split an order of onion rings.

AJ watched her show on the Disney Channel while Nancy and I watched a netflix show.  The temp was in single digits when we turned in.

Debbie did FaceTime us tonight.  Steve’s family spent Christmas in San Jose with Debbie.  Veronica flew back on Tuesday but Steve and kids stayed until Friday.  On Thursday, Lucas and Alessandra each got a bad case of stomach flu. Debbie and Steve spent one entire evening taking care of the kids.  Apparently it was not a pretty sight.  Luckily it was a 24 hour bug so things were back to normal next day.

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