Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday January 14, 2018

Weekend Update:  Sunday January 14, 2018

Blog being written on Sunday: sitting in my office at 1720

This is our first weekend of 2018 in GR.  

Saturday January 13, the temperature was in single digits when we got up.  Wind chill below zero so we got in the Escape and drove to Panera for our standard Saturday morning breakfast.

After breakfast Nancy started doing laundry and I ran errands.  Stopped at Orvis and using a Christmas gift card I bought a pair of leather gloves.  

Got the car washed at a quicky drive through and then headed to Meijer’s.  I filled the Escape up and bought a multi draw lottery ticket.  I try to buy lottery tickets on the 13th because the only time I ever won anything I had ticket #13.  I won a Jeep in 1956.

Stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought a long round insulation thingy that you put near a door or window to stop cold drafts.  I think it is also called a snake.  Also bought some felt inserts for my boots.  Felt is a great insulator.

Stopped at Bank to get some two dollar bills.  Final stop was the Chow Hound to get a new pooper scooper.

I had a quick lunch, walked around the block and then spent time in the office doing odd jobs.  I watched for a short time the UM/MSU BB game.  I was surprised to hear that UM won.   MSU was wearing retro MAC uniforms.  As any one who has lived in MI for any time knows the MAC stands for Michigan Agricultural College.  My Dad went to MAC in the late 20s.

At 1630 Nancy and I drove to Houlihan’s for dinner.  We met Mary Namey and enjoyed good food and conversation.  Mary seems to be putting her health problems behind her.

Watched some football, FaceTimed Debbie before heading to bed.

Sunday the 14th
 The cold continues.  Up at 0615 and get ready for the Y.  For the first time since her cataract surgery Nancy went swimming.  I did calisthenics and rowed.

Headed home to change clothes and get ready for the 1000 Celebration service at Trinity Lutheran.  Noted a lot of young families and fewer old couples who are probably in warmer climes.

On the way home we stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  We also stopped at Walmart to get fizzy water.  Final stop was the Cascade Library so Nancy could pick up a book.  The Library was closed.

Quick lunch and read the funnies before taking my Sunday nap.  After the nap I wrote the Grandkids a short note and enclosed a $2 bill.

I took a two mile walk stopping along the way to mail the note to the Grandkids.  The temperature was in high teens but no problem because I bundled up.  I had to get my 30 minutes outside.

For dinner Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs.  Tonight she is adding spinach to the eggs.  Sounds good.

Tonight we will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 Minutes.  If time permits we will watch something on Netflix.

During our recent cold weather I have not seen deer or geese.  I think the geese might have gone south and the deer are deep in the woods.  The corn I recently put out has not been eaten.

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