Thursday, January 25, 2018

Wednesday January 24, 2018

Wednesday January 24, 2018

Blog time 0915 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  Cold this morning, 24, but light winds.  I decided last night that I would go swimming on Wednesday.  Packed my swim suit in the backpack and started walking to Panera.  By the time I got to Panera I decided that I really don’t want to go swimming.  Instead I will get out the bike and take a short ride.  Swimming on a cold day even if it is in a heated pool is not appealing, brr.

I had my standard oatmeal breakfast at Panera.  I will read the papers and write my blog.

Yesterday I made some negative comments on Turkey’s military actions in Syria.  I actually have fond memories of my dealings with the Turkish Navy.  In the late 50s I had several classmates at UM who were officers in the Turkish Navy.  The Turkish Navy had sent my classmates to UM to get both a BSE and MSE.  I had them in several classes.  The Turks were well liked.  Being members of a friendly military the Turks had privileges at the Ann Arbor American Legion.  They would invite their fellow civil engineers to the Legion.  It was fun toasting the Turkish Navy.

After graduating from UM I ended up joing the US Navy.  After OCS I attended the Navy’s Civil Engineering Corps school in Port Hueneme, Ca.  It was a two month’s indoctrination into the CEC.  Much to my surprise my Turkish classmates were also attending the school.  I now could invite them to the Officer’s Club.  We toasted the Navy’s Civil Engineers.  Good memories.

Is Amazon’s new no checkout store the wave of the future?  What happen’s to cashiers?

Animal stories from the Daily Mail:

Saudi Arabia is having a camel beauty contest.  Contestants were found giving their camels Botox.  Ugly is ugly how could Botox help?

An English snake lover was killed by his 8’ pet python.  Some pet.
Studies in UK show that brain function declines after retirement.  Readers of this blog would probably agree.

Bad winter weather is not confined to the USA.  The UK has had several bad winter storms creating massive mudslides and high winds.  90 mph winds were reported yesterday.

It was a pleasant walk home even though the temperature was 28.  The snow is gone and the lack of wind was a big plus.

As soon as I got home I grabbed a package Nancy wanted me to mail and put on my bike riding clothes.  Pumped up the bike tires and headed out.  First stop was Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Friday.  Next I stopped at D&W to mail a birthday package to AJ.  She will be 10 on Feb 4.  I took the long route home.  Total miles traveled, 5.  I concluded that riding a bike at 10mph is a lot colder than walking at 5mph.  And they say my brain function is declining.

Typical Wednesday afternoon,  Nancy working at the Gardens,  Bob takes out trash and does a load of laundry.  I also put out more corn for the deer.  Of course I took a nap.  

Light dinner tonight followed by the news and a Netflix/Acorn show.  We watched an episode of “Above Suspicion”.

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