Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Monday January 29, 2018

Monday January 29, 2018

Blog time at 1050 at Panera

It was cold, 23, and snowing when I first went out this morning.  Nancy headed out at 0800 to MVP.  She is meeting Kathi later this morning to work on a project.

No Y this morning for me.  I did my entire workout at home including the 2K row.  Showered and then walked to Panera.  It was snowing hard with wind chills in the teens.  I was bundled up so the walk was bearable.

I had an oatmeal breakfast at Panera.  Spent most of the time at Panera writing blogs.  I have to be home early because this afternoon the concrete wall repair folks are coming to reseal a crack in our basement wall.

Good grief will they never learn!  German automakers are getting heat for using human test subjects when testing the health effects of diesel exhaust.  

Global hummus shortage has resulted in huge spike in prices.  It wasn’t because of me.  I hate hummus!

Walking home from Panera I thought this is a great winter day.  Temps in 20s with a nice layer of new snow.  In my boyhood in the late 40s/early 50s this was the type of day that would be perfect for a father/son banquet.  These banquets were very popular during winter months.  They were usually held at a local church.  Typical menu was beans and franks.  The after dinner speaker from UM or MSU would talk about football.  The events were well attended.  Of course this was before TV and the political correctness police ruled the world.  

The concrete repair man came at 1300.  He epoxy sealed the crack.  It took about two hours.

I spent most of the afternoon writing emails to cousins and correcting the family tree.  Even called my sister, Helen, about the cousins and she got me squared away.  Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

Light dinner and then watched the news.  We changed our subscription to the GRP so that we get only the Sunday paper delivered.  I downloaded the digital app so I can read the weekly editions online.

We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes.  I hate to admit it but I like this chick flick.

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