Saturday, January 20, 2018

Friday January 19, 2018

Friday January 19, 2018

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Windy but mild, mid 20s, when I first went out this morning.  We can expect sun and temps in the mid 30s this afternoon.

Nancy headed out to her class at MVP at 0800.  I had quick breakfast, then bundled up and walked to the Y.  The walk is pleasant because of the nice white snow cover.  I keep checking for critter prints in the clean snow.  I have not noted any.  Where are the deer?

For years I have belonged to health clubs.  Every January the club would be jammed with the New Year’s resolution folks.  Not so this year.  Are they in hiding like the deer?

In yesterday’s blog I talked about my visit with the Doctor treating my Myasthenia Gravis.   I asked about weather’s impact.  The Doctor said that most folks say thing are better in cold winter weather.  I tend to agree.  

Also at yesterday’s Doctor visit I picked up a People magazine.  I did not know anyone in the magazine.  Is this because of old age or the fact that I only watch Netflix/Acorn and listen to satellite radio?

Lunch and then I took Ms P on a short walk.  First time walking in about a week.

I took a short nap and after the nap Nancy and I started a dreaded task.  We polished the big brass table.  It took almost two hours but it sure looks good.

Nancy fixed sauerkraut, baked beans and a hot dog for dinner.  Sure was good.

This evening after the news we watched two episodes of Broadchurch before turning in.  Temperature will be in the 30s all evening.

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