Monday, January 22, 2018

Sunday January 21, 2018

Sunday January 21, 2018

Weekend Update;  blog time 1715 sitting in office

Saturday morning and temps in mid 30s with sun.  Slept in this morning.  Nancy had a bad night because of severe nerve pain in her foot.  She did not want to go to Panera.

I walked to Panera.  Most of the snow has gone so walking was very pleasant.  All the snow will be gone when the thaw ends on Tuesday.

I had my standard Saturday morning fare.  Scanned the papers before heading home.  Nancy started the laundry despite her foot pain.  What a trooper!

I got in the Escape and drove to the new Duluth Trading Company Store near Riverside Mall.  I have ordered clothing from this company online but this is my first visit to physical store.  Their market is construction workers who work outdoors.  Nice selection but I could not find the suspenders that I saw online.  Later in the day I made an online purchase.

At home I was going to take Ms P on a short walk but she seemed very energetic so we increased the walk to 1.3 miles.

Lunch and then I spent time in the office.  At 1400 Nancy was still in pain and we were considering canceling our dinner with our neighbor, Sonya.  However, at 1600 Nancy said things were improving so we did not cancel.  

At 1730 we all got in the Escape and headed to the Euro Bistro.  The Bistro is located about 1 mile from the condo.  Lucky we had reservations because the place was packed.  The food was excellent.  We all gave it an A.

Debbie FaceTimed us about 2000.  We had a nice talk.  Finished the evening watching an episode of Call the Midwife.

The only news I want to comment on is Congress’s miserable effort to fund the government.  Why do we have all these whining, whimpering elected officials.  Their excuses are an embarrassment.  Shame on the whole lot!  Enough said.
Sunday January 21, 2018:  Nancy was able to get a good nights sleep.  She was sleeping nicely when I headed to the Y.  The Y was holding an indoor triathlon this morning, a 15’ swim, 15’ stationary bike ride and 15’ run.  The pool was closed for this event so Nancy could not have used the pool if she wanted to.

On my way home stopped at Panera and bought coffee for Nancy and me.  I walked in and Nancy was dressed and ready for church.  Great news.

Today’s Homily was very appropriate.  I wish the folks in congress could have heard it.

We stopped at Meijer’s for supplies and gas.  At home we grabbed Ms P and we all took a walk around the block.  Temp was in high 30s and misting.

Quick lunch, read several sections of the GRP before taking my mandatory Sunday nap.  After the nap I took a walk around the block.  Today I got my 30 minutes in and also reached 10,000 steps.

Nancy is fixing her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Tonight I am running an experiment.  Instead of my usual glass of red wine I am drinking a Guinness.  I read in the AARP magazine that red wine because of the sulfides might cause the inflammation causing my slurred speech.  Like I said it is just an experiment.

After dinner will finish reading the GRP and watch 60’ or the Viking/Eagles game.  We did face time Melissa.  Both Missy and AJ have a birthday in the next two weeks.   Nancy wanted to put everyone on notice to check their mail.  Finished the evening watching an episode of The Crown.

Monday morning, sitting in Panera proof reading yesterdays blog.  I usually post my daily blog the next day.  I find that I make a lot of mistakes and waiting until the next day allows me an opportunity to make corrections.  Should I let POTUS know of my practice.  Think it would help his Tweets?

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